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Upcoming Events



This is a stewardship program that stabilizes and grows financial giving.  It provides a seasonal plan for a fall through winter stewardship appeal.  This plan may easily be adapted if your fiscal spending, and therefore stewardship appeal, follows a different rhythm.


This program was created in 2020.  And nearly 30 NJ Synod congregations have participated and benefitted in a variety of ways in addition to teaching and growing financial generosity rooted in thanksgiving and relationship.  


Other benefits are:

  • Your fall stewardship plan and resources are already developed for you requiring only some customization (i.e., this is turnkey and reduces time spent on these logistics).

  • Some of the best ideas about promoting congregational generosity are shared and reinforced in ways that may be adapted to every context.

  • You’ll be gathering alongside other stewardship communities.

  • This will renew your stewardship ministry endeavor and/or simplify the plan you were about to create.

  • Aid you in casting a vision towards God’s abundance and generosity in our midst.


How will this work?

Register your team immediately.  Congregational teams will meet remotely August to December through zoom (six meetings).  Additional resources will be supplied through an electronic platform.  And the workshop leader, Rev. Mike Ward, will provide additional 1:1 consultation.


Who may attend?

Congregational leaders who lead and/or support stewardship ministries in your congregation with their pastor.


Is there a cost?  Yes.  It is $450 per congregational group [note: this program may qualify for a Thrivent Action Team grant up to $250 as it is an educational opportunity.  Contact Thrivent Financial for details. 

Anything else? Call/email the Rev. Dean Brown, Assistant to the Bishop, to discuss (732-747-1050/

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