There's no doubt that this is an exciting and sometimes even scary time to be the church. Change is happening all around. Old models of ministry are being set aside, and some are experimenting with new ways of engaging in Christ's mission in their context. How can we work through the swirl of information and emotion so that we can better lead and guide God's people in mission and ministry that makes a difference? Well, ELCA certified coaches can help pastors, lay leaders and congregations navigate, grow and even thrive in times of change and transition.
Coaching is an intentional relationship focused on facilitating change and growth in your personal or professional life or in the life of your congregation. In 2017, the ELCA invested some resources to train and develop coaches in New Jersey. From that training, the NJ Synod Coaching team was formed with the purpose “To facilitate change, growth, and overall church renewal of the New Jersey Synod through the coaching model as we carry out God’s mission in a changing world.” Since then, our synod has hosted a Coach Launch Training in New Jersey through Coach Net (an ICF accredited organization) and have grown to a team of 14 rostered and lay coaches. These coaches were trained for to support you and your ministries in our changing world.
There are many times in the life of a congregation or course of a ministry where coaching may be helpful. Here just a few of the situations where coaching may help you change and grow:
- Personal or professional discernment and transition;
- Congregational change or transitions;
- Starting new mission outreach or ministry initiative;
- Looking for opportunities in apparent crisis.
Contact Pastor Wendy Abrahamson, NJ Synod Coaching Coordinator to talk about how coaching can enhance your ministry in a time of change
ELCA Coaching
Creating a Culture of Generosity - One Teams Journey (Video)
Coach Introductions:
Take a moment to learn a little about our coaches.

Patt Kauffman

Pam Werner

Wendy Abrahamson

Giselle Coutinho
Contact Information for Coaches
Rev. Wendy Abrahamson
Rev. Jay Barry
Rev. Christopher Bruesehoff
(973) 570-8084
Arundel Clarke
(201) 835-4639
Rev. Jill Collict
(732) 371-8420
Rev. Giselle Coutinho
(609) 458-1552
Rev. Andy Gordon
Rev. Patt Kauffman
Rev. James Krombholz
(732) 287-0888
Rev. Diane Lewis
Rev. Mark Summer
(908) 938-2821
Rev. Pam Werner