Justice Mission Groups
Housing Justice
hosted by Convener Dr. Lamont Rouse
The social message “Homelessness: A Renewal of Commitment” notes that homelessness persists as a reality for hundreds of thousands of people in the United States, despite its immense wealth and resources.
The message states that housing is a fundamental right even though policies and practices of government and economic institutions are not adequately responding.
It reminds us that in the Bible, God heard the cries of the homeless and that working for justice with and for homeless people is doing God's will and work in the world.
Care and Creation Justice (Environmental Justice)
hosted by Convener Karen Le Morvan
The Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice social statement explains the ELCA’s teachings on ecology and the environment, grounded in a biblical vision of God's intention for the healing and wholeness of creation.
This statement provides a Christian understanding of the human role to serve in creation, and a hope rooted in God’s faithfulness to the creation from which humans emerge and depend upon for sustaining life.
Racial Justice
hosted by Convener Dr. Dianne Browne
Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture expresses the ELCA’s calling to celebrate culture and ethnicity. This calling commits the ELCA to confront racism, to engage in public leadership, witness and deliberation on these matters, and to advocate for justice and fairness for all people.
The statement is grounded in the conviction that the church has been gathered together in the joyful freedom of the reign of God as announced by and embodied in Jesus. That reign has not come in its fullness, but the message of God's yes to the world breaks down all dividing walls as we live into that promise.
Prison Justice
hosted by Convener
Prison Ministry
Food Security Justice
hosted by Conveners Rev. Erich Kussman
and Mr. Spike Enzweiler
Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All conveys ELCA teaching that economic activity is a means through which God's will is served for the thriving and well-being of humankind and the care of the earth.
It recognizes that even though sin distorts human activity, we are called to practice economic activity justly and with special concern for those who live in poverty.
Health Care and Mental Health Justice
hosted by Convener Rev. Peter Hartney
Disability & Mental Health Justice: Caring for Health: Our Shared Endeavor expresses ELCA teaching on health and the health care system. Its vision of health as a shared endeavor rests in a biblical view that wholeness is a blessing God intends for all people.
In this vision, a ministry of healing is integral to the life and mission of the Church. This shared endeavor means each person bears some responsibility for his or her own health, but health and health care also depend upon other people and conditions in society and our communities.
Download the Stigma Free congregation document
LBGTQIA+ Justice
hosted by Convener Rev. JJ Simpson-Keelan
Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust expresses ELCA teaching on human sexuality. The statement is grounded in the biblical witness to the relationship God establishes with creation as a model for relationships between human beings.
In light of human sexuality as a gift and a trust, the statement considers the ways social structures and institutions shelter, sustain and protect personal, family and social relationships of love and trustworthiness.
Zoom gathering information:
Justice Groups Staff Coordinator: The Rev. Sara Lilja
Creation | Health | Housing |Hunger
LGBTQIA | Migration | Racial | Prison
Creation: Karen LeMorvan (Abiding Presence, Ewing) aplcoffice@gmail.com
Health: Rev. Peter Hartney (St. Paul, Beachwood) pastor@stpaul-lutheranchurch.com
Housing: Dr. LaMont Rouse (Cross of Glory, Aberdeen) lrouse111@gmail.com
Hunger: Spike Enzweiler (St. Matthew Trinity, Hoboken) spike.enzweiler@gmail.com
Rev. Erich Kussman (St. Bartholomew, Trenton) ekuss1@hotmail.com
LGBTQIA: Rev. JJ Simpson-Keelan (Living Waters, Ringoes) pastor@lwlcnj.org
Rev. Pam Werner (St. James, Folsom), Synod Council Liaison
Racial: Dr. Dianne Browne (St. Mark, Oaklyn) drbrowne22@gmail.com
Prison: Rev. Danielle McCleary (St Matthew, Secaucus) stmattsecpastor@gmail.com
John Kroschwitz (St Mark, Hamilton) jfkiimcud1@aol.com